Compliance / Research and Planning

What does the Research and Planning Department do?

The Research and Planning Department handles short-term and long-term planning; resource generation via grants and other funding streams; and oversees compliance by existing programs and services that meet the stakeholders’ expectations and satisfaction, and generating new program development to advance the agency’s mission.

What is compliance? 

Compliance means adhering to a rule, such as a policy, standard, specification, or law.  Most of IMPACT’s funders have sets of standards that the agency must meet to continue its service to the community, and to maintain funding.

How does IMPACT receive its funding? 

IMPACT received 80% of its funding from federal grants (including, CSBG, HEAP, HWAP, and others), the remaining 20% of funding comes from State and Local grants, corporate partners, foundations, private funders, and individual donors. 

What is the Community Needs Assessment?

The Community Needs Assessment is a tool used by Community Action Agencies every three to five years to assess how the community views its programs, services, and service delivery.  Programs that meet the needs of the community may be enhanced.  Programs that no longer meet the needs of the community may be tweaked or retired.  New programs to address an unmet need may be created.  The Community Needs Assessment therefore provides direct feedback to the agency from the community and its stakeholders.

What is ROMA? 

ROMA, which stands for Results Oriented Management and Accountability, provides a framework for continuous growth and improvement among Community Action Agencies.

What is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?

A Memorandum of Understanding is an agreement between two or more parties outlined in a formal document.  It is NOT legally binding; but it signals the willingness of the parties to move forward with a contract.

What is a contract? 

A contract is a written or spoken agreement, especially concerning employment, services, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law. 


